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Get into the Holiday Spirit with 'Merry Christmas From The Family' Lyrics: Sing Along to this Heartwarming Christmas Anthem!

Merry Christmas From The Family Lyrics

Discover the heartwarming and relatable lyrics of Merry Christmas From The Family - a delightful song capturing the chaos and love of festive family gatherings. Spread the holiday cheer!

Are you tired of the same old Christmas carols and longing for something a little more relatable? Look no further than the hilarious and unconventional Merry Christmas From The Family lyrics. This tongue-in-cheek tune, written by Robert Earl Keen, is a refreshing departure from the typical holiday cheer. Whether you're a fan of country music or simply enjoy a good laugh, these lyrics are sure to catch your attention and bring a smile to your face.

From the very first line, it's clear that this song is not your traditional Christmas carol. Instead of painting a picture of a cozy fireplace and snow-covered landscapes, Keen transports us to a dysfunctional family gathering. He sets the scene with vivid descriptions of a cluttered house, cheap beer, and relatives who are less than thrilled to be in each other's company. It's a refreshingly honest take on what many people experience during the holiday season.

As the song progresses, Keen introduces us to a cast of characters that could easily be plucked from our own family gatherings. There's the aunt who's had a few too many drinks and insists on sharing her unsolicited opinions. There's the cousin who brings his new girlfriend, sending shockwaves through the family with her unconventional appearance and tattoos. And of course, there's Uncle Sonny, the black sheep of the family who always manages to stir up some trouble.

But amidst the chaos and dysfunction, there's an underlying sense of love and acceptance that shines through in the lyrics. Despite their differences and quirks, this family still comes together to celebrate the holiday season. They may not have the picture-perfect Christmas, but they have each other, and that's what truly matters.

What makes this song so captivating is its relatability. We've all experienced those awkward family gatherings, where tensions run high and drama is inevitable. Keen's lyrics capture the essence of these moments with humor and wit, reminding us that we're not alone in our slightly dysfunctional holiday traditions.

Another aspect that sets Merry Christmas From The Family apart is its catchy and infectious melody. The upbeat country tune, paired with Keen's clever lyrics, makes for a song that's impossible to resist singing along to. It's the kind of song that you'll find yourself humming days after hearing it, and it's guaranteed to bring a smile to your face every time.

So this holiday season, why not break away from the traditional carols and indulge in something a little more humorous? Whether you're driving to visit family or hosting your own chaotic gathering, Merry Christmas From The Family is the perfect soundtrack to accompany your festivities. Let the unconventional lyrics and catchy melody brighten up your holidays and remind you that even in the midst of chaos, there's always room for laughter and love.


Are you tired of traditional holiday songs that are all about snowflakes, jingle bells, and roasting chestnuts? Well, look no further! Merry Christmas From The Family is the perfect antidote to those sappy tunes. With its hilarious lyrics and relatable storyline, this song has become a favorite among those who prefer a little laughter with their eggnog. So, let's dive into the wacky world of Merry Christmas From The Family lyrics and discover why it's the perfect anthem for those who appreciate humor during the holiday season.

The Dysfunctional Family

Merry Christmas From The Family introduces us to a family that could easily be mistaken for a cast of characters from a sitcom. Instead of singing about picturesque family gatherings, this song paints a picture of chaos and dysfunction. It hilariously captures the reality of many people's holiday experiences, where Aunt Linda drinks too much wine, Uncle Joe burns the turkey, and Grandma mistakes her medication for candy canes.

Unconventional Traditions

Forget about hanging stockings by the chimney with care or leaving cookies for Santa. In this song, the family has their own unique set of traditions. They gather around the Christmas tree to hang up their Budweiser beer cans instead of ornaments, and instead of waiting for Santa Claus, they eagerly anticipate the arrival of the local sheriff, who has bailed out Cousin David one too many times.

Affectionate Insults

In Merry Christmas From The Family, the lyrics are filled with affectionate insults that are all too relatable. Sibling rivalries, in-law tensions, and passive-aggressive comments are all part of the package. The song reminds us that even though families may not always see eye to eye, love and laughter can still prevail during the holidays.

The Potluck Feast

While other families may pride themselves on their culinary prowess during the holiday season, this family takes a more laid-back approach. Instead of meticulously planning a menu or spending hours in the kitchen, they opt for a potluck feast where everyone brings their signature dish. Unfortunately, it often results in a mishmash of questionable culinary creations that only they can appreciate.

Awkward Gift Exchange

If you've ever experienced an awkward gift exchange, Merry Christmas From The Family will hit close to home. The lyrics humorously describe how family members open presents, only to realize they have received items they neither want nor need. From gaudy sweaters to bizarre trinkets, this family knows how to turn gift-giving into a comedic affair.

Alcohol as an Icebreaker

In this song, alcohol plays a significant role in breaking the ice and keeping the festivities going. Aunt Linda and Uncle Joe are notorious for their love of libations, which leads to hilarious and unforgettable moments. While some families may frown upon excessive drinking, this song reminds us that a little liquid courage can sometimes be just what we need to survive the holiday chaos.

Embracing Imperfections

One of the underlying messages of Merry Christmas From The Family is the importance of embracing imperfections. Rather than striving for a flawless holiday experience, this family revels in their quirks and mishaps. They understand that true joy comes from being together, even if it means dealing with burnt turkeys, tacky decorations, and eccentric relatives.

Creating Lasting Memories

While this family's Christmas may not be picture-perfect, it is certainly memorable. The lyrics of the song capture the essence of creating lasting memories through shared laughter and unusual experiences. These are the moments that will be retold for years to come, reminding us that sometimes the most cherished holiday memories are the ones that are far from ordinary.

A Hilarious Anthem

Merry Christmas From The Family is a hilarious anthem for those who appreciate a good laugh during the holiday season. Its relatable lyrics, unconventional traditions, and dysfunctional yet lovable characters make it an instant favorite among those seeking a break from the traditional holiday songs. So, gather your family, crank up the volume, and get ready to sing along to this humorous masterpiece that celebrates the imperfections and absurdities of the holiday season.


As we bid farewell to the traditional and embrace the hilariously unconventional, Merry Christmas From The Family reminds us that the true spirit of the holidays lies in laughter, love, and embracing our own unique quirks. So, this year, let's raise a glass to dysfunctional families, unconventional traditions, and imperfect celebrations. After all, isn't that what the holiday season is all about?

A Not-So-Perfect Pear Tree: Exploring the Unconventional Christmas Decorations and Awkward Family Gatherings

Oh, the joys of Christmas! The season where we gather around a not-so-perfect pear tree, adorned with unconventional decorations that leave us scratching our heads in confusion. Forget about perfectly arranged ornaments and tasteful garlands; we prefer to embrace the eccentricity of mismatched baubles, garish tinsel, and questionable homemade crafts.

As we navigate through the chaotic sea of holiday cheer, we find ourselves surrounded by awkward family gatherings. Uncle Bob insists on wearing his infamous reindeer sweater with blinking LED lights that make us question our eyesight. Cousin Sally, bless her heart, always manages to bring up embarrassing childhood stories, leaving us blushing and desperately searching for an escape route. But hey, it wouldn't be Christmas without these cringe-worthy moments!

Tacky Sweaters Galore: Celebrating the Festive Fashion Fails of Christmas Past

Speaking of questionable fashion choices, let's take a moment to appreciate the tacky sweaters galore that grace our Christmas celebrations. From the snowman sporting sunglasses to the sweater adorned with jingling bells, we've seen it all. These festive fashion fails are the embodiment of holiday spirit gone wrong.

But amidst the sea of hideous knits, there's something oddly endearing about these sartorial disasters. They bring laughter, joy, and the comforting thought that at least we're not alone in our questionable taste. So, let's raise our eggnog-filled cups and toast to the fashion misfits that make our Christmas gatherings truly memorable.

Aunt Edna's Infamous Fruitcake: A Resilient Tradition or a Never-Ending Gift?

Now, let's talk about Aunt Edna's infamous fruitcake. Every year, without fail, she presents us with this mysterious, brick-like concoction that seems to defy the laws of physics. Is it a resilient tradition or a never-ending gift? We may never know.

As we gather around the dining table, we exchange knowing glances, silently passing the fruitcake around, hoping someone else will take a bite first. The fruitcake's journey continues from household to household, becoming a symbol of endurance and family obligation. It's the gift that keeps on giving, whether we want it or not.

Santa's Arrival: Unconventional Ways You Wish St. Nick Would Land on Your Roof

We've all dreamt of Santa's arrival on Christmas Eve, but who says he has to stick to tradition? Forget about reindeer and chimneys; wouldn't it be more exciting if Santa arrived in more unconventional ways?

Picture this: Santa parachuting from the sky, landing gracefully on your roof with a sack full of presents. Or perhaps he could arrive in a hot air balloon, floating down to your chimney with a jolly smile on his face. The possibilities are endless! Let's spice up Santa's entrance and give him a grand entrance he won't forget.

Eggnog Overload: Surviving the Delightful Concoction of Boozy Bliss and Lactose Intolerance

Ah, eggnog, the delightful concoction of boozy bliss and lactose intolerance. It's the drink that simultaneously brings joy and gastrointestinal distress to our holiday festivities. As we raise our cups in celebration, we can't help but wonder if the discomfort is worth the temporary taste bud satisfaction.

But fear not, dear lactose-intolerant comrades! There are alternatives to traditional eggnog that won't leave you regretting your life choices. So, go ahead and indulge in the holiday spirit, minus the unfortunate aftermath. Your stomach will thank you later.

The Battle of the In-Laws: How to Maintain Peace and Sanity during Dysfunctional Family Feuds

Ah, the battle of the in-laws. It's a Christmas tradition as old as time itself. As we gather around the dinner table, tensions rise, and passive-aggressive comments are exchanged like poorly wrapped presents.

But fear not, for there are ways to maintain peace and sanity during these dysfunctional family feuds. First, embrace the power of distraction. Bring out a board game, start a lively karaoke session, or simply redirect the conversation towards less contentious topics, like the weather or the latest viral cat video.

Remember, the key is to diffuse the tension with humor and love. After all, 'tis the season to be jolly, not to engage in a full-blown family feud.

Christmas Lights Extravaganza: Awkwardly Navigating Neighborly Competition and Electric Bill Overages

Christmas lights extravaganza, where neighborly competition reaches its peak and electric bill overages become a harsh reality. We've all experienced the pressure to outshine the neighbors' festive displays, only to end up with a blinding spectacle that can be seen from space.

As we painstakingly climb ladders, untangle endless strings of lights, and pray that we won't electrocute ourselves, we can't help but question the true meaning of this elaborate lighting extravaganza. Are we spreading holiday cheer or secretly engaging in a bitter battle for the title of the brightest house on the block?

Perhaps it's time to reconsider our priorities and focus on creating a warm and welcoming atmosphere, rather than competing in the electric bill Olympics.

Grandma's Famous Turkey: The Mysteries of Her Special Secret Ingredient, and Whether We Actually Want to Know

Grandma's famous turkey, a dish shrouded in mystery. Every year, we gather around the dinner table, eagerly awaiting the unveiling of her culinary masterpiece. But as we take that first bite, we can't help but wonder: What is her special secret ingredient, and do we actually want to know?

Is it a pinch of magic? A dash of love? Or perhaps a sprinkle of unicorn tears? Whatever it may be, Grandma's turkey never fails to leave us craving more. So, let's savor the flavors and embrace the delicious enigma that is Grandma's secret ingredient.

A Carol Singing Showdown: When Uncle Joe Tries to Steal the Limelight with His Off-Key Rendition of Jingle Bells

Ah, the carol singing showdown, where Uncle Joe tries to steal the limelight with his off-key rendition of Jingle Bells. As we gather around the piano, ready to spread holiday cheer, we brace ourselves for the inevitable moment when Uncle Joe takes center stage.

His enthusiasm is endearing, but his vocal abilities, not so much. Nevertheless, we smile and nod, secretly grateful that we're not the ones responsible for this auditory assault. After all, it wouldn't be Christmas without Uncle Joe's unforgettable musical performances.

Inflatable Yard Decorations Gone Wrong: Sharing Stories of Frosty the Snowman's Misadventures and Rudolph's Deflated Nose

Finally, let's take a moment to share stories of inflatable yard decorations gone wrong. We've all witnessed Frosty the Snowman's misadventures, getting tangled up in the clothesline or being blown away by a particularly strong gust of wind. And who could forget Rudolph's deflated nose, leaving him looking more like a sad deflated balloon than Santa's trusty reindeer?

These mishaps remind us that perfection is overrated, and it's the imperfect moments that make our Christmas celebrations truly memorable. So, let's embrace the chaos, laugh at the mishaps, and cherish the joyous spirit that brings us all together.

Merry Christmas From The Family Lyrics: A Hilarious Holiday Tale

The Story Behind Merry Christmas From The Family Lyrics

Once upon a time, in a small town called Humorville, a group of talented musicians got together to write a song that would perfectly capture the essence of a chaotic yet hilarious Christmas gathering. And so, Merry Christmas From The Family lyrics were born!

Introducing the Characters:

1. Robert Earl Keen: The witty songwriter who brought this festive masterpiece to life.

2. The Dysfunctional Family: An eccentric clan with an uncanny ability to turn every family gathering into a comedy show.

Let's Dive into the Lyrics:

1. Mom got drunk and Dad got drunk at our Christmas party: This line sets the tone for the absurdity that is about to unfold. In this dysfunctional family, even the parents let loose during the holiday season.

2. We had an Elvis impersonator sing 'Silent Night': Who needs traditional caroling when you have an Elvis impersonator belting out Christmas tunes? This family knows how to bring an unexpected twist to their festivities.

3. Carve the turkey, turn the ballgame on: While most families gather around the table for a solemn turkey carving ceremony, this family prefers to multitask by catching up on their favorite sports game. Priorities, right?

4. Sister brought her new boyfriend, and they're sumo wrestling: It wouldn't be a true family gathering without some bizarre introductions. This family's sister sure knows how to make an impression by bringing her new boyfriend, who happens to be a sumo wrestler!

5. Brother Ken brought his kids with him, the three from his first wife Lynn: This family has a complicated history, and they don't shy away from acknowledging it in their lyrics. Brother Ken's multiple marriages and blended family dynamics add an extra layer of humor to their Christmas celebration.

The Hilarious Point of View:

Merry Christmas From The Family lyrics perfectly encapsulate the humorous chaos that can ensue during holiday gatherings. The song takes a lighthearted approach to showcase the quirks and idiosyncrasies of a family that embraces their imperfections.

Through clever wordplay and unexpected scenarios, the lyrics highlight the relatable aspects of dysfunctional yet love-filled families. It reminds us that amidst the chaos, laughter is the best gift we can give and receive during the holiday season.

Key Takeaways:

- Merry Christmas From The Family lyrics tell the story of a dysfunctional but lovable family's holiday gathering.

- The lyrics use humor to capture the absurdity of various situations, such as parents getting drunk and an Elvis impersonator singing carols.

- The song celebrates the imperfect yet joyful nature of family dynamics during the holiday season.

Merry Christmas From The Family Lyrics: A Hilarious Ode to Holiday Chaos!

Well, well, well, my dear blog visitors! As we bid adieu to this festive season, it's time to gather 'round the virtual fireplace and have a jolly good laugh together. And what better way to do that than by diving headfirst into the comical chaos that is Merry Christmas From The Family lyrics?

Now, before we embark on this joyous journey, let me warn you – this song isn't your typical sugar-coated holiday tune. Oh no, my friends, it's a hilarious ode to the madness that often ensues during Christmas celebrations. So prepare yourself for a rollercoaster ride of dysfunctional family gatherings, quirky traditions, and an abundance of laughter!

First things first, let's set the stage for this comedic masterpiece. Picture a living room packed with relatives from all walks of life – eccentric Aunt Sue, Uncle Joe with his questionable fashion choices, and of course, Grandma and her never-ending supply of fruitcakes. The scene is set, and the chaos is about to unfold.

As the lyrics kick in, we're immediately hit with a barrage of relatable scenarios. From dad installing a neon sign in the yard to mom's new tattoo of Santa Claus, this song paints a vivid picture of a family that knows how to take Christmas festivities to a whole new level.

Transitioning seamlessly between verses, we encounter one hilarious situation after another. We learn about cousin David's new girlfriend, who happens to be a stripper named Bernice, and little sister's encounter with the lawnmower while trying to fetch the cat – oh, the mishaps are endless!

However, what truly makes this song shine is its ability to find humor in the imperfect moments. We've all been there – the burnt turkey, the failed attempts at building a snowman, or the awkward family photos. Merry Christmas From The Family reminds us that even amidst the chaos, there's beauty in imperfection.

Now, dear readers, as we bid farewell to this uproarious tune, let's take a moment to appreciate the true spirit of Christmas that it encapsulates. It's not about perfection or grand gestures; it's about embracing the quirks and idiosyncrasies of our loved ones, finding joy in the unexpected, and creating memories that will be cherished for years to come.

So, as you navigate the post-holiday cleanup, remember to keep a smile on your face and a song in your heart. And if you ever find yourself yearning for a reminder of the delightful chaos that is Merry Christmas From The Family, just hit play and let the laughter fill the air once more.

From our virtual family to yours, we wish you a Merry Christmas and a holiday season filled with love, laughter, and the occasional neon yard sign!

People Also Ask About Merry Christmas From The Family Lyrics

1. What are the lyrics to Merry Christmas From The Family?

Well, hold on to your Santa hats, because here are the delightful lyrics to Merry Christmas From The Family:

  1. Mom got drunk and Dad got drunk at our Christmas party.
  2. We were drinking champagne punch and homemade eggnog.
  3. Little sister brought her new boyfriend.
  4. He was a Mexican.
  5. We all went to midnight mass.
  6. Then we sang 'Silent Night'.
  7. Oh, the turkey turned out to be a goose.
  8. And the dog ate all the tamales.
  9. Passed out on the couch.
  10. It was a Merry Christmas from the family!

2. Who sings Merry Christmas From The Family?

The fabulous country music artist Robert Earl Keen sings this hilarious holiday tune. You won't be able to resist tapping your toes!

3. Is Merry Christmas From The Family a popular Christmas song?

While it may not be as widely known as some of the classics, Merry Christmas From The Family has become a cult favorite among those who appreciate a dose of humor during the holiday season.

4. Can you share any funny stories related to this song?

Oh, you betcha! This song has inspired countless tales of chaotic family gatherings and unexpected mishaps during the festivities. Just imagine the dog stealing the tamales or Grandma accidentally spiking the punch a little too much. It's a laugh riot!

In conclusion, Merry Christmas From The Family is a hilariously relatable song that perfectly captures the chaotic and comedic moments often experienced during Christmas celebrations. So, grab your loved ones, crank up the volume, and get ready to embrace the holiday spirit with a good old-fashioned laugh!